Playing and Winning 9 Ball Poolįor the remainder of the game the players can pocket the balls in any order, as long as the first ball they hit with the cue ball is the lowest number on the table. If the cue ball is pocketed on the break, the opposing player takes over with ball in hand anywhere on the table. A legal break shot is one that drives at least four balls to a cushion, or pockets one or more balls- as long as the 1 ball is the first ball to be struck. The balls are racked in a diamond shape with the 1 ball at the apex on the foot spot and 9-ball in the middle. As the name suggests, 9 Ball is played with 9 object balls (numbered 1 through 9) and a cue ball. Next up is 9 Ball, which is arguably as popular as 8 Ball. Related Article: 8-Ball Pool Rules: The Simple Version In order to win, a player must legally pocket the 8-ball in the called pocket, without scratching the cue ball. Once all of the object balls of the player’s suit have all been pocketed, then that player can go for the 8-ball, calling the pocket beforehand. Instead, matches can be assigned points, or, as is more common, the winner can be crowned in “best out of 5 matches”, if you have the time. Points are not typically assigned to the object balls, as is common in other pool table games. The objective of 8-ball is to sink all of your object balls and then the 8-ball before your opponent does. If either player legally pockets a ball of their own suit, they can go again until they miss or foul. Stripes are the numbers 9 through 15, solids are 1 through 7. To determine who will be playing the solid balls, and who will be playing the stripes, one player must legally pocket one or more of the same suit on any shot after the break. To begin the game, you can flip a coin to determine who breaks. Played by two people, this game is fairly straightforward, although there are lots of rule variations in practice around the world. One of the most popular and well-known billiard games, 8 ball is played on a standard pool table with six pockets, usually measuring 4’ X 8’ or 3.5’ X 7’.

23 Must Have Billiard Accessories You Can’t Do Without.18 Unique Pool Table Lights for Your Billiard Room.Best Pool Cues for the Money: A Cue for Every Budget.Want to check out some billiard gear we like? Check out these articles! By the end of this article, you’ll know more pool table games than all of your pool hall buddies combined! In this article we’re going to share with 14 different billiard games you have to try. If you’d like to mix up your current billiard mix, you’re in luck. Learning different pool table games is a great way to improve your game and have a blast doing it. Take Bank Pool, for example, where every pocketed shot has to be a result of a bank shot. Pretty much every pool table game is similar in the way its played, but the the various rules, ball count, and techniques used can vary drastically. While its true that 8-Ball and 9-Ball are the most popular here in the states, there are lots of other billiard games that are just as much fun. If you’re new to the world of billiards, it may come as a surprise to you as to how many different billiard games there are.