Affective decision making
Affective decision making

affective decision making

Specifically, I study and conduct managerial reporting decision-making research, employee in-group decision-making research, and corporate social responsibility research. Kyle (Zhiping) Mao, PhD Student of accounting: My broad research interest is manager-employees strategic interactions and the corporate decision-makings.I establish a revelation principle for these environments. For instance, agents may by "shy'', "curious'', may have image concerns, privacy concerns or simply may care about the information they get or reveal about their traits. Ernesto Rivera Mora, PhD student of economics: I study mechanism design problems where preferences depend on hierarchies of beliefs about the agents' traits or types. Application of the affective certainty model to affective decision-making in the workplace. Modern theories of behavioral control converge with the idea that goal-directed/voluntary behaviors are intimately tied to the evaluation of resources.Such behaviors include applying to jobs which discriminate against you.

affective decision making

Self-handicapping behavior involves creating external obstacles for yourself to avoid believing your low ability level is the source of your failure. Rachel Mannahan, PhD student of economics: I currently research circumstances under which self-esteem concerns lead to self-handicapping behavior and policy interventions that mitigate self-handicapping.I am particularly interested in studying the underlying psychological processes which explain these inferred relationships and observing specific circumstances under which they may not apply. It has been claimed that ability, benevolence, and integrity foster trust, whereas deception harms it. Present research has assumed that trust is difficult to build, easy to disrupt, and tedious to restore. Poor affective decision-making has been shown to associate cross-sectionally with poor mental health in clinical populations. Christoph Hueller, PhD Student of marketing: My current research interest lies within the concept of trust and how it guides behavioral decision making.

Affective decision making